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My name is Vinci, the pink elephant, but I wasn’t always so pink and positive. My mission is to help you live happier lives and become Invincible!


In the past, I’d let myself slide;
I’d be drawn into negative thoughts;
I felt I was losing myself;
I’d forgotten I already held most of the solutions to the problems in my life,
I’d get mad at others and at myself;
I’d always look for others to blame,
I felt I’d forgotten who I was;
I’d forgotten that I’ve only grown wiser and learned from my past mistakes;
I’d search for, fiddle with, and focus on problems alone;
but all those behaviors pale in comparison to my real problem
I’d forgotten who I could be;
I’d forgotten that I am the ruler of my thoughts,
I’d wallow in the bitterness of my fate;
all the chaos around me led me to feel that I’d ‘had it’;
I’d forgotten that I had the power to influence and make changes;
and what I choose to focus on will affect the course of my life.


During all my travels, I’ve gathered and developed a variety of methods, tools, and exercises designed to remind you to think pink, and help you be invincible!
I believe in each and every one of you and you should believe in yourselves too, because that’s where everything begins. Now, I hope you know how important this starting point is and if you were to choose to skip this step, there isn’t much that I can do for you. That being said, I’ll still be here for you through every minute and hour.

so from here on, I truly wish you all the best, but the rest is solely up to you…

That being said, I’ll still be here for you through every minute and hour.
I’ll be here for you through good and “bad”,
I’ll be with you all through the grey moments.
I’ll be here with you through the times that make you feel blue,
And I’ll be the one reminding you to look at the positive side of life,
I’ll be here for you through moments of anger and irritation,
I will do all of that and more, just to keep you on the right track,

"Studies And Research"

All the content is based on research conducted by psychologists, organizations, companies, and professionals in the field of psychology and mindfulness. Additionally, we have incorporated our personal experiences and the tools we have acquired throughout life.

"Personal Experiences"


Too much responsibility
Financial difficulties
Loss of a job
Social isolation
Chronic illness or injuries
Uncertainty about the future
Giving birth
Divorce or heartbreak
Work dissatisfaction
Drastic changes
The deaths of loved ones
Traumatic events
Taking care of elderly or sick family members
Family conflicts


Each of us have “the pink elephant” deep within, the invincible version of yourself, but it’s only up to you to choose what you want to do with it, whether you decide to silence or neglect it, or decide to grow and learn along with it, I’m here to make the journey easier for you, to have your back so you don’t feel bad,
I believe that with the right tools and guidance, everyone can develop mental fortitude and feel blessed and happy the time has arrived, and there is no better time than NOW, don’t wait for a particular miracle, the miracle is right here, The Miracle Is You! because you have in you everything you need to rise above yourself every day anew;


With the help of my “formula”, progress will be simple and just right, but the first and foremost thing is to take a step into the light, it is called the “step of faith”, the ability to believe in yourself, first of all, to believe you deserve more, to believe you’re capable of doing and achieving more, to believe and know that you’ll get more too!
This step is one you’ll have to take alone, I can’t take this step for you, But I promise I’ll be here with guidance and direction, so whenever you feel lost or hopeless,
I’ll guide you back to the “pink track.



I believe that with the right tools, a supporting hand, and guidance, anyone can become inVincible, no matter where they come from, the only thing that matters is where you’re heading. After all, the destination lies ahead, not behind, and there’s not much left to do with mistakes of the past but learn and grow,that’s not why we were born,


I believe that with the right tools, a supporting hand, and guidance, anyone can become inVincible, no matter where they come from, the only thing that matters is where you’re heading. After all, the destination lies ahead, not behind, and there’s not much left to do with mistakes of the past but learn and grow,that’s not why we were born,


to help as many individuals improve and develop their inner selves, so we can all become invincible versions of ourselves. With tools and practical exercises. we can see the beauty and positivity of life, and live lives that are happy, full, and more productive.
Vinciland – 18 Tools and Exercises to develop more positive, pink thinking
You’ll find the formula for a happier, pink life.
How to relax and let go of the scars of the past.
You’ll learn how to develop positive thought patterns.
How to take action today to make tomorrow better.
How to enjoy all the beautiful moments of life.
How to own your lives and live without restrictions.
In this book, you’ll find different ways to help you live a pink, happy, fuller life and think positively!

Our Book is certified by a professional psychologist.

David Blumencweig, a highly respected psychologist hailing from the prestigious UNIVERSIDAD DE BELGRANO in Buenos Aires, Argentina. With a career spanning over 45 years, David’s genuine approach and deep understanding of the human psyche.to help as many individuals improve and develop their inner selves, so we can all become invincible versions of ourselves.
With tools and practical exercises. we can see the beauty and positivity of life, and live lives that are happy, full, and more productive. develop their inner selves, so we can all become invincible versions of ourselves.


These two entrepreneurs are the brains behind “Think Pink Elephant.”

They’re childhood friends and entrepreneurs who have a thirst for helping, influencing, and creating change.

Beyond their desire to help create a change in the world, they both have a special connection to the field of personal development and mindfulness.

They have always dreamt about changing the world,

but didn’t always know how.

They went through a long and arduous journey,

filled with obstacles, difficulties and challenges.

They worked day and night,

went through many ordeals,

and all that in order to find an efficient solution to a few problems –

the same problems that we all encounter throughout our lives,

in order to prevent them from controlling us and running our lives.

After all, we all experience bad days,

we all go through sad and depressing times,

we all know what it’s like to experience anguish and suffer from a broken heart.

We all feel sadness, frustration and anger,

low self-esteem and insecurity, fear, stress, disappointment…

all of these grey feelings, and the list goes on.

So what can we do when these feelings take over us?

How can we learn to control the entire gamut of our emotions?

How can we learn to do more with our lives and achieve our dreams and goals?

How can we become more positive, pinker and happier?

After all, all humans just want to be happy, healthy, and successful,

but getting there requires passing through a maze.

We used all the tools and exercises that helped us deal with different situations throughout our lives,

we researched, studied, and examined what tools are the most efficient and the simplest to use in various emotional situations.

We asked and consulted various professionals in order to make sure all the exercises are useful and appropriate,

we even added a compilation of simple solutions for life’s complexities.

While we have been on this journey for many years already,

our journey together has only just begun.

The road ahead remains long and winding,

but I’m sure that with your help, we can color the whole world pink:

We can spread positivity and friendship around the world,

we can spread a little light and kindness around the world.

It may take longer than a week, two weeks, a year or two years,

and only if we believe, support and help one another,

we can show the world that together anything is possible.

We can be truly inVincible.

By making small and calculated steps, we can “take life by storm.”

We should always aspire for greatness, to evolve and learn as individuals and as a society;

help us help as many as possible to live a happier, calmer, and fuller life,

and turn the world into a pink, positive place – for ourselves, our families, our friends, and our children.

After all, it all begins and ends in our minds; just one thought.

has the power to help us overcome our pain.

One simple thought helps us rise above all our weaknesses.

One clear thought helps us become more efficient, prepared, and ready for action.

So perhaps all we need is one PINK thought!


I’ve prepared a guide for you,
Financial difficulties
Loss of a job
Social isolation
Chronic illness or injuries
Uncertainty about the future
Giving birth
Divorce or heartbreak
Work dissatisfaction
Drastic changes
The deaths of loved ones
Traumatic events
Taking care of elderly or sick family members
Family conflicts

Consider this book an investment rather than a purchase.

The tools will be with you and aid you throughout your whole life. It would be enough for this book to help you even during one grey period, and give you back some light and joy.
Then it will be worth more than just a few dollars to you. And if you just take these tools and knowledge seriously and implement them until they become a pattern in your life.
I definitely promise you that it will be one of the best investments you’ll ever make in your lifetim


Even when everything was lit up outside, I felt it was all dark and grey within me In hindsight, I understand I felt that way because I was drawn into negativity and retreated and so I couldn’t really notice that the seasons had changed. The world had changed, and with it, the times, so how could I still be in that same dark place all those years? I spent too long in darkness and cold, Until I almost forgot what being in the light felt like.
How does it feel when you experience comfort and peace?
How does it feel for people who are blessed and full of hope?
How does it feel in those moments of happiness when you reap the fruits of success?
Over time I realized that with a small, bold step, with positive thinking and a bit of hope,
I could change and light up any dark path.

If we compare thoughts to seeds, feeling to sprouting, and actions to blooming, how can we grow positive pink fruits when our thoughts are so dark and grey?

is priceless!
After all, everyone wants the same thing – being free, healthy and happy! Ultimately, some things are essentially priceless.

And keep your head held high while maintaining an optimistic outlook